Author Archives: Steve West
Office 365 for Business Review
Microsoft Office 365 for Business is a relative newcomer to the “cloud” market with the likes of Google Apps (for Work) having been around much longer. When I originally researched moving my mail, contacts and calendars to the cloud, Office 365 looked terrible so I bypassed it completely (FYI; options I looked at included Zoho, Google Apps, Atmail and more). I ended up using Atmail for a while but found it too restrictive (particularly for contacts). I then heard…
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Xero Review
Xero was founded by Rod Drury and his accountant and was publicly listed on the New Zealand Stock Exchange in 2006. It launched in Australia a bit after that in 2011 and I’ve been using it since this time. Xero has changed a lot in that time but has always maintained it’s primary focus, to be simple (they say “beautiful”!). It’s completely cloud based, which means your “company file” (to use an old MYOB term!) is stored in a (very secure!) data…
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Vend POS Review
I discovered Vend POS approximately 18 months ago while researching add-ons for Xero. Something about it’s clean and simple design appealed to me and before I knew it, I was “learning the ropes” and helping others get started. Vend POS was one of the first (if not THE first) Point-Of-Sale systems to be completely “in the cloud”, starting as Web only and then later providing a fully featured App for iPad. It’s also capable of running offline (let’s face…
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